As a Public Enterprise operating under free-market conditions, National seeds Corporation Limited (NSC) designed its Citizen’s Charter to focus on achieving and sustaining Total Customer Satisfaction by providing good quality seeds to the farming community. At present, it is undertaking production of seeds of nearly 600 varieties of 60 crops through its registered seed growers. There are about 12500 registered seed growers of NSC spread all over the country who are undertaking the seed production programmes in different agro-climatic conditions. The significant theme of the Citizen’s Charter of NSC may thus be summarised as Ensuring Customer/farmer-centric focus across all processes by adopting Total Quality Management principles thereby ensuring:
We are sure that all those involved in ensuring and enhancing the image of NSC as a good Corporate Citizen would cooperate by imbibing the spirit of this Charter and implementing it effectively.
Chairman & Managing Director
The Company
National Seeds Corporation (NSC) is a Schedule B-Miniratna Category-I company wholly owned by Government of India under administrative control of Ministry of Agriculture. The NSC was established in 1963 to undertake production of foundation and certified seed. At present, it is undertaking production of seeds of nearly 600 varieties through its registered seed growers. There are about 12500 registered seed growers all over the country who are undertaking the seed production programmes in different agro-climatic conditions. At present, the Corporation’s turnover is around Rs.650 crores.
The Corporation is having its Head Office at New Delhi, 11 Regional Offices in the state capital and 65 Area Offices located all over the country. NSC is well placed to take advantage of the best agro climatic conditions for seed production to meet any supply needs. To meet its business obligations and also to ensure flow of technological advancements, the corporation maintains a motivated team of qualified and experienced staff. The corporation runs regular training courses to refresh the knowledge of seeds-men from India. It also renders consultancy services in all the facets of seed development.
NSC pioneered the development of Indian Seed Industry on scientific lines with its involvement in the establishment of state Seeds Corporations and seed Certification Agencies in States and formulation of Seed certification Standards. All the Seed produced by NSC are evaluated for quality standards by NSC and tested in its own Quality Control Laboratories as internal quality control measures. Seeds during production are inspected at field level and tested for certification by State Seed Certification Agencies of different states which are independent bodies under control of different State Governments. Besides, production and distribution of quality seeds, NSC is also involved in the production of Tissue Culture Plants like Banana and supplies of seedlings/saplings of fruits crops from its own Tissue Culture Laboratory, Farms and also through MOU parterns.
To meet the demand for quality seeds in the country.
To contribute to the prosperity of farmers through supply of quality seeds and other agro inputs / services and to enhance agricultural productivity.
To lead the Indian Seed Industry by producing and marketing quality seeds of a wide range of crop varieties and hybrids, and adding value through other agro related inputs and services to the satisfaction of farmers.
Main Objective
These objectives are realized by establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001: 2004 - based Quality & Environment Management System in all Strategic Business Units in the organization.
The Business Transacted by the Company
The company primarily caters to the varied requirements of the farming community of the nation. They include production & distribution of quality seeds.
Activities/Project of National Importance.
a) NSC has been nominated as a Nodel Agency by Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture for implementation of “Central Sector Scheme on Assistance for Boosting Seed Production in Private Sector”. The scheme aims at increasing the seed production with a view to enhance seed replacement rates and particularly in the high volume low value crops by providing assisting for boosting the seed production in private sector. Credit linked back-ended capital subsidy at the rate of 25% of the project cost subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 25.00 lakh per unit on seed infrastructure development is being provided by the Government.
b) The schemes of Government of India like National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) are increasing the demand for quality seeds which are being provided by the corporation at reasonable prices. Hence, NSC is playing a pivotal role in the implementation of the above schemes of GOI.
Details / Types of Clients and Customers
Essentially, NSC’s client base is spread across the nation. The major customers in these sectors are farmers, seed growers; Dealer and Distributors State Seeds Corporations; Central as well as State Governments.
Services Provided by NSC
The services offered by the company include Production and distribution of quality seeds at a reasonable price and farmers training. Usually, the customers’ requirements are critically analysed and understood at the tender stage itself through a well-documented ‘Contract Review’ procedure. By virtue of the type of business chosen by the company, there is direct contact with the farmers/seed grower or the citizens. However, it is incumbent on the part of the company to ensure such social obligations through Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme.
Expectations of the Customers
The expectations of the customers are usually stated in the seed growers’ agreement for production of seeds through growers; dealers’ & distributors’ agreement for distribution of seeds. Any ambiguities are resolved through the ‘Review’ mechanism established, implemented and maintained as per the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System.
Ensuring Customer Satisfaction
To ensure Total Customer Satisfaction, the following initiatives are taken. Various business processes of the company are defined and managed with the sole objective of meeting and exceeding the explicit and implicit customer expectations. The Quality Management activity based on the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System is usually prevention-oriented. The Corporation is involved in production, processing and marketing of seeds. Customers in the context of NSC are the growers, farmers dealers, co-operative agencies, technology partners and other stake holders.
Customer satisfaction with respect to NSC supplies and Services shall be assessed through activities such as:
• Meetings / interactions with customers.
• Customer Grievances / complaints, suggestions if any;
• Repeat business, letters of appreciation received, if any; and
• Customer perception assessed through structured questionnaire addressing various aspects of service.
All RMs shall obtain customer perception based on any or all of the means and documents which shall provide the basis for overall assessment of customer perception. This assessment shall be carried out along with identification of the areas needing improvement. Based on data obtained, opportunities for improvement shall be identified.
All communications relating to NSC’s feed back complaints shall be effectively handled at the senior level as per its gravity. These shall be analyzed and examined for prompt action. Proactive efforts for determination of client perception of the services shall be made through activities such as meetings with seed producers, dealers, feedbacks and questionnaires etc. or by hiring the services of external agency for conducting the customer satisfaction survey. The status of customer satisfaction is measured through two principal interventions:
* Customer Satisfaction Survey
* Handling Customer Complaints
Customer Satisfaction Survey
This is carried out by sending structured questionnaires to the customers at the time of selling the seeds and eliciting their opinion about the products and services being offered. The data collected by various strategic business units are analysed by the marketing and quality control divisions of the corporation. As the Customer Satisfaction is a parameter incorporated in the MOU between the Corporation and Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, it is regularly measured and reported for internal reviews and also for reviews at higher levels in the government. The results of these reviews are used to update the systems and procedures, thus institutionalising continual improvement processes. To ensure the customer satisfaction, the corporation evaluates its standards conducting customer study by third party and also implements the recommendation of third party in the interest of Corporation.
Customer Complaint Handling
This is an important activity initiated from the inception of NSC. This includes timely response and corrective / preventive actions. A comprehensive and clearly documented system is implemented through out the company to handle complaints more systematically. The number of complaints pending and their age as well as the cycle time for attending to them are continuously monitored and regularly reviewed by the Head of the Quality Control Division to ensure speedy redressal. The Corporation had issued detailed guideline for Redressal of Quality Complaints of consumers vide letter No. 8(Misc)/10-11-CS/NSC, dated 18/02/2011 placed at Annexure-I.
Complaint Handling System
The calls and complaints from the customers are systematically processed for timely response and solution right from the Area Office, Regional Office and Head Office. Invariably, whenever complaints are handled to the satisfaction of the customers, acknowledgements are taken to act as an input for further improvement of the product or service. The complaint status is reported at regular intervals to the Area/Regional Office for review and necessary corrective & preventive action. The mandatory requirement of ‘Management Reviews’ as per ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System insists on ‘Status of Customer Complaints’.
User Training and Education
In order to ensure effective use of the production of quality seed, training programmes are organized as and when required at operational as well as technical levels. Continual training enables the customer to understand the nuances of the seed supplied, appreciate the technologies involved and the ways of deriving the best value for the investment made.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
As the products and services of the company are essentially meant for farmers/seed growers, grievance of the end user manifests in the form of a customer complaint. The company is addressing this requirement through a proper grievance system maintained by the Corporation.
Information on the Internet
The company has a website providing all relevant information about it and its offerings in broad terms, providing facility for more detailed information through our Area/regional offices across the country.
Internal Communication
The customer requirements prior to the execution of the order, the details of corrective and preventive actions taken during various internal processes, the results of customer complaint handling, farmers meets and growers meets are appropriately compiled and communicated to all concerned employees effectively to facilitate improved performance of the processes, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.
Review of the Charter
Periodic reviews follow effective implementation and monitoring to verify the effectiveness and continued relevance of the Charter. Its successful implementation is ensured by familiarising all the employees with their roles in effective implementation and continuous improvement of the Charter by giving wide publicity and formal training.
Management Reviews are conducted at periodic intervals to ensure the continued relevance and need for updating the Charter. The periodicity is decided by the concerned Divisions and the nature and complexity of their products and services. However, reviews at corporate level are held at least once a year. Wherever agencies other than the management and employees of NSC are involved in implementing the Charter or its parts, they are communicated accordingly and a suitable follow-up mechanism is defined and communicated as deemed appropriate.
Charter on the Web
To ensure that the Charter of NSC is open to all concerned and interested, it is made available at the company’s sites:
Nodal Officer for the Citizen’s Charter
'G. M. (Corp. Affairs) & Company Sec.' has been designated as the Nodal Officer for dealing with all matters related to the Citizen’s Charter. Address: National Seeds Corporation Limited, Beej Bhawan, PUSA Complex, New Delhi-110012 Phone: 011- 25849415